Tuesday 10 March 2015

Mysis shrimp

Mysis shrimp is an accessible prey for sea trout. They are small but are plentiful and are an easy prey. Small slim and transperanta flies with a shrimp-like appearance can often be very effective. This is a fairly simple pattern that has given me many sea trout over the years.

Hook: TMC 200 R or any other curved nymph hook. Size 8-10
Thread: transperant monofilament
Tail, underbody and thorax: Lite Brite dubbing. Yellow.
Body: a thin layer transperant plastic from a zip bag, 2-3 mm wide, or equally and round transperant nymph body  with a diameter of 0.5mm for small mysis and 0.8mm for larger flies.
Thorax cover A 3-4 mm wide strip of zip bag or equally
Eyes: Burned 0.50 to 0.60 mm monofilament and then painted black with permanent marker pen
Legs : 3-4 pieces about 0.25 mm monofilament

1. Attach the tying thread on the middle of the hook

2. Then take a few rays of yellow Lite Brite dubbing. The yellow Lite Brite has almost a yellowolive color. Attached them so they cover the hook up to a third of the hook shank and pointing back over the hook like a tail.

3. Take a plastic bag type a zip bag with a little thicker plas,ict. Cut a 3-4 mm wide strip tapered towards one of the ends.  

4. Cut the Lite Brite fibers to an an approximately 5 mm long tail. Also cut the remaining dubbing after about 2/3 of the hook shank.
Then attach the round nymph body at the beginning of the tail and on top of it the plastic strip. Keep in mind that nymph body must cover 2/3 of the the hook shank as well.

5. Start Winding the plastic strip over the dubbing. Attatch and cut of the remaning part of the plastic strip. Keep rest of the strip to use for the thorax cover.

6. Then follow after with the nymph body. Attatch andcut of the rest of  the nymph body.  

7. Attach the plastic strip again.

8. Now. Start preparing the making of the eyes.
Take about 4 cm 0.50 to 0.60 mm monofilament. Clamp the monofilaments in a hackelplier or in a tweezers. Burn the ends to form smal balls of melted mono.
9. Let them harden and color them later with black permanent marker

10. Attach the Eyes just behind the hook Eye

11. Take 3-5 pieces 0.20-0.25 mm monofilament about 6 inches long. Attached them on the underside of the hook in the middle of the front 1/3 part of the hook shank.
I prefer to do this with fly up side down.

12. Dub the thread with Lite Brite

13. And then dub the thorax

14. Fold the plastic strip over the thorax. And cut of the remaning part.

15. Finish the fly whit a whip finish and secure the ending with a smal dropp of superglue.

16. Turn the fly upp side down again and cut of the monofilament legs so that they will be about 5-7 mm long.

17. The Mysis shrimp is now ready and clear to go......

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